Rug Placement: Tips for Every Room in Your Home

Oct 12, 2023

Rugs are more than just floor coverings; they are essential elements of interior design that can transform a room's look and feel. However, when it comes to rug placement, it's not just about choosing the right size and style; it's also about knowing where to put rugs in your home.

In this blog post, we'll explore rug placement ideas and room-specific tips to help you make the most of your rugs in every corner of your living space.

A rug placed under a wooden coffee table.

Living Room Rug Placement

The living room is often the focal point of a home, and rug placement plays a crucial role in defining and enhancing this space.

Under Furniture: A common living room rug placement is to have it positioned under the furniture. Ideally, the front legs of your sofa and chairs should rest on the rug while the back legs remain off the rug. This arrangement anchors the furniture and creates a cosy conversation area.

Floating Furniture: Alternatively, you can choose a larger rug that accommodates all your seating and allows for a "floating" furniture arrangement, where all the furniture pieces are entirely on the rug. This style works well in open-concept living spaces.

Coffee Table: If you have a coffee table in your living room, ensure it is centred on the rug, creating a cohesive and balanced look.

Dining Room Rug Placement

In the dining room, rug placement is all about framing your dining table and chairs while providing comfort underfoot.

Under the Dining Table: The most common dining room rug placement involves positioning the rug under the dining table. Ensure the rug is large enough to allow the chairs to remain on the rug when pulled out, both for visual continuity and to prevent tripping.

Extend the Rug: If you have a smaller rug but want to maintain the visual appeal, you can extend the rug beyond the table's edges to accommodate the chairs when they are pulled out. This creates a cohesive dining area.

Bedroom Rug Placement

Rugs in the bedroom add warmth and comfort. Here's how to place them effectively:

Under the Bed: A popular choice for bedroom rug placement is to have it partially or entirely under the bed. For a king-sized bed, a rug that extends 18-24 inches on each side of the bed is ideal. For smaller beds, a rug that covers the area beneath the bed can create a cosy atmosphere.

Bedside Rugs: If you prefer a rug on each side of the bed, opt for smaller rugs that sit on either side of the bed, creating a balanced look and providing comfort underfoot when you step out of bed.

Hallway Rug Placement

Hallways are often narrow spaces where rug placement can be both functional and visually appealing.

Runner Rugs: Hallway rug placement is perfect for runner rugs. These long, narrow rugs can add colour and texture while also protecting high-traffic areas of your home.

Centred Rug: In wider hallways or entryways, you can place a centred rug to create a welcoming focal point.

Kitchen Rug Placement


Rugs in the kitchen serve both practical and aesthetic purposes.

Sink and Stove Areas: In the kitchen, rug placement near the sink and stove areas can provide comfort while doing dishes or cooking. Make sure the rug is slip-resistant and easy to clean.

Under the Kitchen Table: If you have a small dining table in the kitchen, consider placing a rug under it to define the dining space and add a touch of style.

Bathroom Rug Placement

Bathrooms can benefit from rugs for comfort and to absorb moisture. Here's where to put rugs in your bathroom:

Sink and Vanity Area: A rug placed near the sink and vanity area can add a soft touch and help absorb water splashes. Opt for a rug designed for bathroom use, which is moisture-resistant.

Shower or Bathtub: A bath mat is essential near the shower or bathtub to prevent slips. Make sure it's absorbent and easy to clean.

Entryway Rug Placement

 The entryway is the first impression of your home, and rug placement can create a warm welcome.

Foyer Rug: Place a rug in the foyer to define the entryway and provide a practical spot for wiping shoes. Choose a rug that compliments your home's style and is durable enough to withstand heavy foot traffic.

Runner Rugs: In longer entryways, runner rugs can guide guests into your home while adding visual interest and texture.

Tips for All Rug Placements

Regardless of the room or space, here are some general rug placement tips to keep in mind:

  • Size Matters: Choose a rug size that is proportionate to the room. An undersized rug can make the space feel disjointed, while an oversized rug can overwhelm it.
  • Balance and Symmetry: Aim for balance and symmetry in your rug placement. Ensure that furniture legs are either all on or off the rug for a harmonious look.
  • Consider Functionality: Think about the function of the space. In high-traffic areas, opt for durable rugs that are easy to clean.
  • Style and Texture: Rugs can be a focal point or a subtle background element. Choose rugs that complement your decor style and add texture and visual interest.
  • Maintenance: Consider how easy it is to clean and maintain the rug, especially in spaces prone to spills and stains.


Rug placement is a crucial aspect of interior design that can significantly impact the aesthetics and functionality of your home.

Are you in the market for an affordable, durable rug that will improve the look of any room in your home? Look no further than The Rugs! Our wide selection of rugs is perfect for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, and we offer unbeatable savings with every purchase!

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