4 Clutter-Clearing Ideas That'll Make Your Life Easier

Sep 16, 2022

Some people just can't keep their house tidy and clean. If you could just call Sheldon Cooper to perform a thorough cleaning of your house, you would. But sadly, he doesn't exist in real life, and you are left with a cluttered house that requires constant clean-up. On the flip side, there are certain strategies you can include in your cutter clean-up session that will make your life easier. Read on to find out more.

Clean Up Clutter the Easy Way with These Tips

Just the thought of doing a thorough cleaning of the house can be nerve-racking for a lot of people. Actually getting into action is a whole different story. If you're one of those people who keep procrastinating cleaning and clutter-cleaning, the following tips may give you the push you need.

Start Small

The first step of clutter-clearing is to get rid of most of the stuff you don't need or use regularly. However, if you decide that you have to get rid of all the unimportant stuff in your house in one go, you'll probably lose motivation at a record speed. Instead, start small. For example, you can start with cleaning a small junk drawer. Once it is clutter-free, make sure that you commit to keeping it that way. Then move to another drawer before moving onto a closet. You don't have to do all of this on the same day. Even if you do one part of your house every weekend and make an effort to maintain it, you'll have a significantly tidier house within a few weeks.

A Ruthless Purge

Sometimes, you hold on to things that aren't useful anymore. It may have been too expensive or was a gift from a loved one. You'd be surprised at how much space these useless things can take up in your house. This can be very tough for most people, but it is necessary to keep your house clear of clutter. As you thoroughly purge your house, ask yourself the following questions for every item you come across.
  • Is it in proper working condition?
  • Is it still in use in some way? If you're going through your wardrobe, do the clothes still fit?
  • Does it hold any sentimental value?
  • Does it enrich my life in some way?
  • Could it be more useful to someone else?
If you answer no to the first 4 questions, it is time to get rid of it. It is also important to note that sentimental value can be a slippery slope. Some people end up saving a lot of their stuff because they feel it holds sentimental value. However, if more than half the stuff in your house persists due to sentimental, you need to make some hard calls.

Set a Timer

Another major reason people procrastinate clutter-clearing is that they think it'll take a huge part of their day. And by the time they convince themselves to get some work done, they realize that most of the day is gone. This becomes a vicious cycle, as it takes even more motivation the next time they try to start clean-up. You can overcome this issue by setting a timer for a short time, like 10 or 15 minutes. Once the timer rings, you can leave things where they are without guilt. If you want to continue after the timer rings, set another before continuing. However, you don't have to if you don't want to. Make sure that you are actually working during the time you set. Since you can take a break soon afterwards, there is no need to procrastinate. You'll be surprised how much work you can get done this way.

Use Habit-Tracking

It is a proven fact that people who track their habits see much more success than those who don't. People who note down everything they eat have a higher success rate on their fitness journeys than those who are just trying to eat healthy without any records. However, it is crucial that you have a tangible record of your progress. There are many ways you can use habit-tracking when it comes to clutter. For instance, you can start by finding 1 item to donate daily. This sounds much more doable than collecting all the stuff you can donate in one go. Make a checklist - digital or physical - and keep noting down items on it every day. You'll be more motivated to continue as you watch your daily streak grow.


If you let your clutter grow, there will come a time when it will feel almost impossible to get rid of it. However, once you get into the habit of keeping things clean and clutter-free, you'd learn how much it improves your life. You will even find that you're more energetic, less stressed, more productive, and overall happier.

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