A Complete Guide on How to Get Rid of Rats and Prevent their Return

Sep 9, 2022by Sarah Hopson


How to get rid of mice

Have you been hearing the pitter-patter of tiny paws and little squeaks in your home? You might just have a rat infestation upon your hands.

Many people are interested to know how to get rid of rats. Hence, we have put together this guide to help you understand the signs of a rat infestation, how to get rid of it and how to prevent the rats from returning.

How to Recognise the Signs of a Rat Infestation?

There are plenty of evident signs of a rat infestation. It is essential to pick on these signs so you can take action immediately. Here are some things that can help you figure out if any rodents are hiding around somewhere in your home:


Elongated and pointy droppings are a major sign of a rat infestation. These are usually found in one place in a lot of numbers. Rats produce at least 40 droppings every, so it is not hard to miss.

Urine Puddles

Rat urine has a peculiar smell. You will be able to sense it in the air and quite often will know there is rat urine somewhere without seeing it.


Rats run around on different surfaces, and their feet are filthy. When they run around the house, rats leave marks and little footprints which help you recognise rats.


Rats are nocturnal animals and are up at night running to find food to nibble on. You may hear a faint scratching noise at night, especially if you have floorboards instead of a carpet.

How to Get Rid of Rats in the Home?

Once you recognise the signs and confirm their presence through the signs, it is time to figure out how to get rid of rats. These little creatures carry numerous germs and can quickly spread diseases to humans. You must take measures to remove them from the property immediately. Here is how you do it:

Set a Trap

You can use snap traps with bait to lure the rat into your trap. Try using food as bait so the rat is attracted to it. Rats are often attracted to peanut butter which can be a cheap bait.

Use Dry Ice

When rats come across dry ice producing carbondioxide, it anaesthetises and kills them. Be cautious when using dry ice. You can place them near their nests or burrows for better results.

Get a Bird to Help

Predatory birds, such as eagles, grab and eat rats. This is an excellent idea if you have found rats in your front or back garden. Birds are attracted to gardens with bird baths. Install one in your garden so birds will naturally visit.

Do not put bird feed because it will attract more rodents.

Get Professional Help

At some point, you will have to accept defeat. If none of the above works, call a professional pest control service to deal with the creature. This is a sure-fire way to get rid of rats.

How to Keep Rats Out of Your Home?

After taking all measures to get rid of these rodents, you wouldn’t ever want to repeat this. So, here is what you need to do to prevent a rat infestation and never worry again about how to get rid of rats from your home:

Fill up All Gaps

Rats can fit into the smallest of spaces. So keep a vigilant eye out for any gaps in your house structure to ensure they don’t have any space to squeeze in. Rats are nasty creatures and can gnaw their way in. You must ensure you use the right material, such as a mesh wire to keep them out.

Keep Your Garden Clean

Rats like being in closed-up spaces. So if your garden is growing a bit out of control, you must trim it. Keeping your garden clean and clutter-free with trimmed hedges and branches will ensure the rats stay at bay.

Cover Your Waste

Whether it is bird seed or the waste in your bin, you must keep it covered or take it away when night falls. There should be no food resource that is attractive for rats out in the open.

Always cover your bins, and if you have bird seeds in your garden, clean the residue up before the sun sets and take the extra away to lay out the following day.

The Bottom Line

Whether you live on rent or own a home, it is essential to know how to get rid of rats to keep your house safe and secure. You can follow The Rugs for more how-to guides, home decor and interior design ideas.

How to Get Rid of Rats in the House: Effective Home Pest Control

Dealing with rats in your home can be distressing, but there are effective methods to eliminate them. Start by sealing all entry points around your house, including small gaps and cracks. Remove food sources by storing food in airtight containers and keeping your home clean. Use rat-proof bins for waste disposal. Consider using natural deterrents like peppermint oil or ultrasonic devices. If the problem persists, set traps in areas of rat activity. Remember to check and dispose of trapped rats regularly.

Ways to get rid of mice, all openings must be closed to stop mice from entering the house

How to Get Rid of Rats Outside: Outdoor Rodent Management

Controlling rats in outdoor areas requires a comprehensive approach. Remove potential nesting sites by keeping your garden tidy and free from debris. Secure compost bins and avoid leaving pet food outside. Trim vegetation away from your house to reduce hiding spots. Consider using motion-activated sprinklers or lights to deter rats. Natural predators like owls can be encouraged by installing nesting boxes. For persistent problems, consult a professional pest control service for safe and effective solutions.

How to Get Rid of Rats at Home: Comprehensive Indoor Solutions

Eliminating rats from your home involves a multi-faceted strategy. Begin by conducting a thorough inspection to identify entry points and nesting areas. Seal all gaps and holes, even those as small as a coin. Maintain cleanliness by regularly cleaning and decluttering. Use rat-proof storage for food and waste. Consider natural repellents like citrus peels or cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil. If necessary, employ humane traps and release captured rats far from residential areas.

Keep your home clean and discard food scraps, Seal cracks and holes to block rats, Use humane traps and release rats far away.

How to Get Rid of Rats in Garden: Protecting Your Outdoor Space

Keeping your garden rat-free requires consistent effort. Remove potential food sources by harvesting fruits and vegetables promptly and cleaning up fallen produce. Secure bird feeders and compost bins to prevent easy access to food. Eliminate standing water sources where rats might drink. Use plant-based deterrents like lavender or mint in your garden. Consider installing physical barriers like fencing with small mesh to keep rats out of vegetable patches.

How to Get Rid of Rats Without Killing Them: Humane Pest Control Methods

For those seeking non-lethal rat control methods, there are several effective options. Use live capture traps baited with attractive foods like peanut butter. Once caught, release rats at least a mile away from your property. Employ ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds to repel rats. Natural repellents like ammonia-soaked rags can deter rats from specific areas. Exclusion techniques, such as sealing entry points, prevent rats from entering in the first place.

How to get rid of rats without killing them, Use live traps with bait like peanut butter, Release caught rats at least one mile away, Use ammonia-soaked rags to repel rats, Seal gaps to block rats.

How to Get Rid of Rats in House Fast: Quick and Effective Solutions

When you need rapid results in rat control, focus on immediate action. Set multiple traps in areas of high rat activity, checking and resetting them frequently. Use professional-grade repellents for quick deterrence. Remove all food sources immediately and store everything in sealed containers. Block off access points quickly, even temporarily, with steel wool or caulk. Consider hiring a professional pest control service for the fastest and most effective results.

How to Get Rid of Rats in Walls: Tackling Hidden Infestations

Dealing with rats in walls requires patience and strategy. Locate entry points by listening for scratching sounds and looking for droppings. Seal off all but one entry point, then use this as a focal point for trapping. Consider using bait stations with rodenticides, but be cautious if you have pets or children. Use repellent sprays around sealed entry points to discourage return. For severe infestations, consult a professional who can use fibre optic cameras to locate nests within walls.

How to Get Rid of Rats in Walls, Listen for scratching and check for droppings to find entry points, Use bait stations with rodenticides, keeping pets and children safe, Call a professional for severe problems.

How to Get Rid of Rats in the Attic: Clearing Your Upper Spaces

Removing rats from your attic involves a targeted approach. Identify and seal entry points both inside the attic and on the exterior of your home. Remove any potential nesting materials like old newspapers or fabrics. Use snap traps or live traps placed along walls where rats typically travel. Consider installing bright lights in the attic, as rats prefer dark spaces. Regularly inspect and maintain roof tiles and soffits to prevent future infestations.

How to Get Rid of Rats in Your Yard: Outdoor Pest Management

Controlling rats in your yard requires a combination of prevention and active measures. Keep your yard tidy by removing debris and keeping grass short. Store firewood away from your house and elevate it off the ground. Use secure, rodent-proof bins for outdoor waste storage. Consider planting rat-repelling herbs like mint or rosemary around your property. Remove fallen fruit from trees promptly. For persistent problems, consider professional-grade bait stations placed strategically around your yard.

How to Get Rid of Rats in Yard: Effective Outdoor Solutions

Eliminating rats from your yard involves creating an inhospitable environment for them. Remove all potential food sources, including pet food and bird seed. Secure compost bins with tight-fitting lids or wire mesh. Trim bushes and trees away from your house to reduce hiding spots. Use motion-activated sprinklers to startle and deter rats. Consider introducing natural predators by encouraging owl populations. For severe infestations, consult a professional pest control service for comprehensive treatment.

How to Get Rid of Rats in Your House: Comprehensive Indoor Control

Tackling a rat infestation in your house requires a thorough approach. Start by identifying and sealing all entry points, no matter how small. Remove all food sources by storing food in airtight containers and cleaning up spills immediately. Use rat-proof bins for waste disposal. Set traps in areas of high activity, such as along walls and behind appliances. Consider using natural deterrents like peppermint oil or ultrasonic devices. For persistent problems, consult a professional pest control service for safe and effective solutions.

How to Get Rid of Rats in Your House, Seal all entry points, Set traps along walls and behind appliances, Use peppermint oil or ultrasonic devices.

How to Get Rid of Rats in the Ceiling: Eliminating Overhead Pests

Dealing with rats in your ceiling requires careful planning and execution. Locate entry points by listening for movement and looking for droppings in your attic. Seal all but one entry point, then focus your trapping efforts there. Use snap traps or live traps placed along joists where rats typically travel. Consider using rodenticides in tamper-resistant bait stations, but be cautious if you have pets or children. Install bright lights in dark ceiling spaces to deter rats. For complex infestations, consider hiring a professional pest control service with experience in ceiling and attic rat removal.

How do I make sure my rats don't come back?

Seal entry points and eliminate food sources. Maintain cleanliness and use natural repellents like peppermint oil.

How do you stop rats from coming back?

Remove attractants, secure trash, and use exclusion techniques. Regular inspections and maintenance are key.

How to get rid of rats permanently?

Combine trapping, baiting, and exclusion methods. Address root causes like food and shelter to prevent reinfestation.

Why do rats keep coming back to the same place?

Rats return due to available food, water, and shelter. Familiar scent trails also guide them back.

What is a rats worst enemy?

Natural predators like owls, hawks, and cats are rats' worst enemies. Humans with effective control methods are also significant threats.

What do rats hate most?

Rats strongly dislike strong smells like peppermint, citrus, and ammonia. They also avoid bright lights and sudden noises.

What smell keeps rats away?

Peppermint, eucalyptus, and citrus scents are effective rat deterrents. Essential oils of these can be used as natural repellents.

Will rats eventually leave?

Rats may leave if food and shelter are eliminated, but active measures are usually necessary for complete removal.

Does a dead rat deter other rats?

Contrary to belief, dead rats may attract other rats. Prompt removal is crucial to prevent further infestation.

What is the best natural rat repellent?

Peppermint oil is widely considered the best natural rat repellent. Other effective options include citronella and eucalyptus oils.

Do rats ever go away on their own?

Rats rarely leave on their own unless food sources are completely removed or the environment becomes inhospitable.

What is the best deterrent for rats?

A combination of exclusion methods, sanitation, and repellents forms the best deterrent strategy for rats.

How do I stop rats from returning?

Seal all entry points, remove food sources, and maintain cleanliness. Regular use of repellents can also help.

Will rats leave if there is no food?

Rats are likely to seek new territories if food sources are eliminated, but this alone may not be sufficient.

What is the fastest way to get rid of rats?

Professional extermination combined with immediate exclusion and sanitation measures is the fastest approach.

What are rats afraid of?

Rats fear sudden movements, bright lights, and loud noises. They're also wary of new objects in their environment.

What makes rats disappear?

Eliminating food, water, and shelter, combined with effective trapping or baiting, makes rats disappear.

What smell do rats hate?

Rats hate ammonia, peppermint, and citrus smells. These can be used as natural deterrents.

What time of night are rats most active?

Rats are primarily nocturnal, with peak activity occurring shortly after sunset and before dawn.

Will rats come back if you release them?

Released rats may return if within their home range. It's best to release them at least 1 mile away from capture site.

What noise do rats hate?

Rats dislike high-frequency sounds and sudden, loud noises. Ultrasonic devices can be effective deterrents.

What does vinegar do to rats?

Vinegar's strong smell deters rats. It can be used as a natural repellent and cleaning agent to remove scent trails.

What is the best homemade rat repellent?

A mixture of peppermint oil and water sprayed around entry points is an effective homemade rat repellent.

How do I stop rats from coming?

Seal entry points, remove food sources, and maintain cleanliness. Use repellents and traps as needed.

How to rat proof a house?

Seal all gaps larger than 1/4 inch, use metal screens on vents, and ensure doors and windows fit tightly.

What is the best rat killer?

Anticoagulant baits are considered most effective, but should be used cautiously to avoid harming non-target animals.

How do you get rid of rats fast?

Combine professional extermination with thorough exclusion and sanitation measures for rapid results.

How do you force a rat out of hiding?

Use strong smells like peppermint oil or ammonia near hiding spots. Reducing clutter and food sources can also help.

Why does a rat keep coming back?

Rats return due to persistent food sources, shelter, or because exclusion methods were incomplete.

How do you know when all the rats are gone?

Look for absence of droppings, sounds, and signs of gnawing. No new tracks in dust and undisturbed bait indicate rat-free status.

Do rats come back to the same spot?

Yes, rats often return to familiar territories with known food sources and shelter.

Why do rats suddenly appear?

Sudden rat appearances often result from changes in environment, like construction, or new food sources becoming available.

Does vinegar keep rats away?

Yes, vinegar's strong smell deters rats. It can be used to clean areas and remove scent trails.

How long does it take to completely get rid of rats?

Complete rat elimination typically takes 2-3 weeks with proper methods, but can vary based on infestation severity.

What time do rats go back to sleep?

Rats usually return to their nests to sleep shortly before dawn, as they are primarily nocturnal.

How do you stop rats from coming back?

Implement thorough exclusion, remove attractants, and maintain cleanliness to prevent rats from returning.

How long will rats stay in one place?

Rats may stay in one location indefinitely if food, water, and shelter remain available and undisturbed.

What is a rats worst enemy?

Natural predators like owls and cats, as well as humans with effective control methods, are rats' worst enemies.

What do rats hate most?

Rats strongly dislike strong smells, bright lights, and sudden noises. Peppermint and ammonia scents are particularly effective deterrents.

How to get rid of rats permanently?

Combine exclusion, sanitation, and targeted removal methods. Address root causes to prevent reinfestation.

How do I make sure my rats don't come back?

Seal all entry points, eliminate food sources, and use ongoing deterrent methods like repellents and regular inspections.

What kills rats immediately?

Snap traps and electric traps can kill rats instantly. Some poisons also work quickly but should be used with caution.

What scent will keep rats away?

Peppermint, citrus, and ammonia scents are highly effective in keeping rats away.

What is the fastest way to get rid of rats infestation?

Engage professional pest control services combined with immediate exclusion and sanitation measures for rapid results.

How do you make rats run away?

Use strong smells like peppermint oil, create sudden noises, or introduce bright lights to make rats flee.

How do I get rid of rats asap?

To eliminate rats quickly, seal entry points, use snap traps or electronic traps, and remove food sources. Professional pest control services can provide rapid results for severe infestations.

What do rats hate the most?

Rats strongly dislike peppermint oil, citrus scents, and predator urine. They also avoid areas with bright lights and loud noises.

What home remedy kills rats?

While not recommended due to potential risks, some use a mixture of plaster of Paris and cocoa powder. However, humane traps and professional methods are safer and more ethical options.

What are the top 3 rat repellents?

The most effective rat repellents are:

  1. Ultrasonic devices
  2. Essential oils (peppermint, citronella)
  3. Ammonia-soaked cotton balls

How do you keep rats away permanently?

For long-term rat prevention, maintain cleanliness, seal all entry points, use natural repellents, and eliminate outdoor food sources like unsecured trash cans.

What sounds do rats hate?

Rats detest high-frequency ultrasonic sounds, sudden loud noises, and predator vocalizations like owl hoots or cat meows.

What is a rats biggest enemy?

A rat's biggest natural enemies are owls, hawks, snakes, and domestic cats. In urban areas, humans are their primary threat.

What is the number one way to get rid of rats?

The most effective method is integrated pest management, combining sanitation, exclusion (sealing entry points), and targeted trapping or baiting.

Can rats climb walls?

Yes, rats are excellent climbers. They can scale vertical walls, especially those with rough textures, and can even climb up smooth pipes and wires.

What is a rats worst fear?

A rat's worst fear is predators. They have an innate fear of large birds of prey, cats, and the scent of predator urine.

Where do rats go during the day?

During daylight hours, rats typically hide in burrows, wall voids, attics, sewers, or other dark, secluded areas near food sources.

Why rats should not be killed?

Killing rats is often discouraged because:

  • It can be inhumane
  • Dead rats may create odor problems
  • It doesn't address the root cause of infestation
  • Rats play a role in ecosystem balance
  • Humane alternatives exist for control and prevention

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