The Best Guide to Money Plant Care

Oct 18, 2022by Sarah Hopson

Money plants are symbols of prosperity in many parts of the world. This gorgeous plant makes an excellent gift for family members. Depending on the type you have, these also add a welcome splash of colour to your home. If you are interested in growing or keeping a money plant, this guide is a perfect place to start.

What Is A Money Plant?

Also known as a ‘jade’ plant, the money plant is a succulent that perfect for indoors. These can live for years with the proper care and attention. With age, it can develop thick branches with glossy leaves. The jade green leaves produce a reddish tinge when exposed to light for prolonged periods.

New stems have the same colour and texture as the leaves, turning woody and brown with time. But it would be best to trim them regularly so the leaves remain healthy.

How to Care For a Money Plant

Here are some tips that can ensure your money plant flourishes for years:

1.      Give It Natural Light

Almost all plants need sunlight to grow, but that doesn’t mean you should place them under direct light for hours. Place your money plant in a spot that is partially in the shade. Otherwise, the leaves will discolour. You can also place it on a sunny ledge just out of reach of the sun’s rays.

2.      Don’t Overwater Your Plant

The money plant is tough and can quickly adapt to different environments and treatments. So you don’t need to water it every day or over-water it. The plant will start to die. Just wait for the soil to dry out before hydrating the plant again. In the winter, spray enough water to keep the soil slightly moist.

3.      Trim the Plant Regularly

If you notice dry or dead leaves on your plant, cut them out using sharp and clean shears. Also, make sure that you cut off excess growth from the base of the stems, so the plant grows well.

4.      Re-pot When the Plant Grows

If you take care of your money plant well, it will eventually outgrow its pot. When it gets too big, you have two options. You can propagate or re-pot it in a bigger pot so it can grow more. Make sure you use an appropriate indoor plant mix as soil with good drainage and sufficient moisture. The plant won’t dry out.

Caring For Water-Grown Money Plants

If you have a small apartment, you can grow the plant in a bottle or jar of water. Place it near the window and watch it climb as it develops new leaves. Here are some care instructions that can ensure this:

  • Keep the plant under partial sunlight, so the leaves remain healthy and green.
  • Make sure at least one node is below the water level.
  • Fold the branch in the water so more nodes can get soaked
  • Change the water weekly without fail.
  • No need to add fertiliser.

What’s great about this money plant is that it can be easily transferred to a pot if you want to make it grow more. Allow it to flourish, and it will add beauty and charm to your living space.

Where and When to Grow Money Plants

While money plants flourish in sunny spots, some varieties fare better in semi-shaded areas. These can grow in almost any soil, so you may see them in your garden growing wild. It’s the main reason the plant is so popular with flat owners and people who don’t have room for a garden.

If you are propagating, do so in the early spring. That is the best season for this plant to grow healthy and fast. It requires little to no water in the dormant season.

Use the tips mentioned above to make this gorgeous and hardy plant an attractive fixture in your home or garden. While it doesn’t need much care, neglect will eventually negatively impact its growth.

How do you care for a money plant indoors?

To care for a money plant indoors, provide indirect sunlight, water moderately, and maintain humidity. Use well-draining soil and fertilize monthly during growing seasons for optimal health.

Does money plant need sunlight?

Money plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. While they can tolerate low light conditions, some sunlight is essential for healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

How do I keep my money plant happy?

Keep your money plant happy by maintaining consistent moisture, providing bright indirect light, and occasional pruning. Ensure good air circulation and protect from drafts and extreme temperatures.

How often should you water a money plant?

Water your money plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. Typically, this means watering once every 7-10 days, adjusting based on humidity and temperature levels in your home.

Why is my indoor money plant dying?

Indoor money plants may die due to overwatering, poor drainage, inadequate light, or pest infestations. Check for root rot, adjust watering habits, and ensure proper growing conditions to revive your plant.

Should I mist my money plant?

Misting can benefit money plants by increasing humidity, especially in dry environments. However, it's not essential. If misting, do so in the morning to allow leaves to dry before nightfall.

Are money plants easy to keep alive?

Money plants are generally low-maintenance and easy to keep alive. They're resilient and adaptable, making them ideal for beginners or those with less-than-green thumbs.

Where should I place my money plant?

Place your money plant in a spot with bright, indirect sunlight, away from direct sun rays. Near east or north-facing windows is ideal, ensuring it's protected from cold drafts and heat sources.

How do you protect a dying money plant?

Protect a dying money plant by identifying the cause (overwatering, underwatering, pests, etc.), addressing the issue, and providing optimal care. Prune damaged parts and adjust its environment as needed.

Why is my Chinese money plant dying?

Chinese money plants may die due to improper watering, poor lighting, or temperature stress. Ensure well-draining soil, bright indirect light, and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

What are the disadvantages of money plants?

Disadvantages of money plants include their mildly toxic nature if ingested, potential for becoming invasive outdoors, and attraction to pests like mealybugs and spider mites if not properly maintained.

Does money plant purify air?

Yes, money plants are known to purify air by removing indoor pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. However, their air-purifying abilities are moderate compared to some other houseplants.

What is the best food for money plant?

The best food for money plants is a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer applied monthly during the growing season. Alternatively, use organic options like diluted compost tea or fish emulsion for natural feeding.

Why is my money plant turning black?

Money plant leaves turning black often indicate overwatering or fungal diseases. Ensure proper drainage, reduce watering frequency, and remove affected parts to prevent further spread.

Do money plants like cold?

Money plants prefer warm temperatures between 60-85°F (15-29°C). They don't tolerate cold well and can suffer damage when exposed to temperatures below 50°F (10°C) for extended periods.

Can money plants survive in the dark?

While money plants can survive in low light conditions, they cannot thrive in complete darkness. They need some light for photosynthesis and maintaining healthy growth.

Why is my money tree dying?

Your money tree might be dying due to improper watering, pest infestations, or inadequate light. Check for root rot, inspect for pests, and ensure it's receiving enough bright, indirect light.

Can money plants grow without sunlight?

Money plants can survive in low light but cannot grow healthily without any sunlight. They need at least some indirect light to maintain their growth and overall health.

How to grow a bushy money plant?

To grow a bushy money plant, regularly prune the stems to encourage branching. Provide adequate light, fertilize during growing seasons, and rotate the plant to ensure even growth on all sides.

How do you save a dying money plant?

Save a dying money plant by identifying and addressing the cause of decline. This may involve adjusting watering habits, improving drainage, treating for pests, or changing its light exposure.

Where to place a money tree?

Place a money tree in a spot with bright, indirect sunlight, such as near a north or east-facing window. Ensure it's away from drafts and heat sources for optimal growth.

Do money plants like to be outside?

Money plants can thrive outdoors in warm, humid climates but should be protected from direct sunlight and brought indoors when temperatures drop below 50°F (10°C).

What is the lifespan of a money plant?

With proper care, a money plant can live for 20-50 years or more. In ideal conditions, these resilient plants can become long-lived companions in your home.

Why is my money plant unhappy?

An unhappy money plant may show signs like yellowing leaves, drooping, or stunted growth. This could be due to improper watering, inadequate light, pest issues, or nutrient deficiencies.

How do I activate my money plant?

"Activate" your money plant by providing optimal growing conditions: bright indirect light, proper watering, well-draining soil, and regular fertilization. Prune occasionally to encourage new growth and maintain shape.


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